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Building the Docker Images

ENSRainbow is split into two Docker images to minimize long-running rebuilds of the LevelDB data directory used for rainbow table lookups. The namehash/ensnode/ensrainbow-data image hosts the prebuilt LevelDB data at /app/data and namehash/ensnode/ensrainbow imports that directory after building the apps/ensrainbow project.

ENSRainbow-data (namehash/ensnode/ensrainbow-data)

This image downloads the source ens_names.sql.gz and ingests them to produce the output /app/data directory.

Terminal window
# from the monorepo root
docker build -f apps/ensrainbow/ -t namehash/ensnode/ensrainbow-data .

ENSRainbow (namehash/ensnode/ensrainbow)

Terminal window
# from the monorepo root
docker build -f apps/ensrainbow/Dockerfile -t namehash/ensnode/ensrainbow .